So, here are four. As with anything that I write that is so new, I'll probably want to rewrite and change it later, but in the meantime, it looks ok:
How My SUV helped me
I liked being selfish
I liked fitting in
I loved our society
and cashing in life coupons for deals
as if the world was my own big box store
Sure, I didn’t like breathing
when there were air quality warnings
or drinking the tap water
when toxic crap spilled into the reservoir again
but hell: into each life some acid rain must fall, eh?
Once in a while I felt bad we shipped production
to countries with no environmental laws
but somebody’s got to make consumer goods
and my stocks soared
I was able to buy a really cool suv
But there’s no justice in this world
the parking brake broke on my beloved suv
and it rolled down the driveway and killed me.
On the positive side
the treadmarks gave my forehead a thoughtful look
like my brow was furrowed from thinking
Breathing 9/11
I did not see the planes hit
but sure heard and felt them
everything trembled
I trembled
Later, I was outside getting lunch
when the first building collapsed
a poisonous white cloud
raced towards me
I ran but not fast enough
and the white death dust covered me
The next day I stayed home
but then the government said
everyone should go back to work
the economy should keep moving
it is good for business
So I returned to work
and did my part for business
but I breathed some more
breathing was a mistake
it would have been okay
if only I had not breathed
Now I have lung cancer
and breathing is hard
I want to scream
when I scream at the liars
at the terrorists I voted for
I can’t breath afterwards
it feels good to scream
Now I buy medicine
to keep me alive
a few more years, or months
no one knows
but the medicine I buy--
it’s good for business
Swept Away By The Flood
I had a nice house in
till Katrina washed it clean away
bodies floated in the water
dead eyes looking for help
They predicted the dikes would fail
them politicians talked and talked
better emergency service since 9/11, yep
my home’s gone, bodies float in the front yard
The feds pay $24 a foot to haul away my dirt but
there's subcontracting 'till the guy hauling gets $3 a foot
someone’s making money on my lost home
meanwhile, I live in
Them emergency homes sit vacant
no one put in plumbing so you can’t take a leak
funny, emergency homes with no water, in a flood
but I don’t hear no one laughing
I had faith in the big words
faith in the politicians
faith in the lies, the teleprompter speeches
faith swept away by the flood
Saved From The Streets
a few break and enters
some stolen cars, one armed robbery.
The Army was my best way out
before I ended on the street for good
I enlisted as an Engineer
got a $5000 bonus
the recruiting sergeant was real nice.
He said I’d build roads in
And that I’d never have to kill nobody
When I got to
I was put on top of a humvee
with a 50 calibre machine gun.
Under the hot burning sun
there were many shadows
An rpg blew up our humvee and my mates
the round came out of nowhere
and pierced the humvee armor.
Then it pierced my body armor
then it pierced me
One soldier asked the Secretary of Defence
why we had such lousy armour
he said, you go to war with what you have.
He resigned to the golf course
I can’t applaud his disgrace with no arms
When I was wounded my pay was cut
I live in a cheap little room
it’s real clear I’m no longer needed.
Politicians ignore me except for parades
but hell, they saved me from the street
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